Client Access

Tư vấn

Với tổng cộng hơn 50 năm sáng tạo, đánh giá và tư vấn về thực đơn cũng như yêu cầu về bữa ăn tại các cơ sở chăm sóc người già, Chuyên gia Dinh dưỡng Australia có kiến ​​thức chuyên môn mà bạn cần để tìm ra các giải pháp thiết thực, tiết kiệm chi phí, tập trung vào khách hàng, phù hợp với tổ chức và thực phẩm của bạn dịch vụ.

Thông qua các dịch vụ tư vấn cá nhân, chúng tôi có thể hỗ trợ:

  • Kiểm tra thực đơn và chế độ ăn kiêng đặc biệt
  • Đánh giá hàm lượng dinh dưỡng và khẩu phần ăn
  • Hướng dẫn xác định tình trạng suy dinh dưỡng
  • Rà soát các chính sách, thủ tục và hoạt động
  • Kiểm tra từ xa
  • Các chuyến thăm và hỗ trợ thường xuyên từ Chuyên gia dinh dưỡng được công nhận
  • Hội thảo, hội thảo và các buổi đào tạo phù hợp
  • Tư vấn dinh dưỡng cho người dân

Đánh giá thực đơn & giờ ăn

Aged care menus must be reviewed every 12 months to ensure that they meet residents’ needs and the requirements of the Aged Care Quality and Safety Standards.

But do you and your team know what to look out for? Which areas may be falling short, or have scope for even further improvement?

An assessment of the menu is much more than just looking at the menu structure – especially since the menu you read does not always reflect the meals that are actually served. And while the descriptions may sound healthy and delicious on paper, they don’t necessarily offer a nutritious and enjoyable mealtime experience.

Finding the balance can be tricky. But that’s where NPA’s menu and mealtime assessment experience comes in.

We work with you to identify the links between food service and nutrition care of residents, uncover gaps in provision of nutrition care, and develop realistic, sensible and effective strategies for quality improvement.

Nutrition Professionals Australia provides a comprehensive menu and mealtime assessment that includes:

  • A visit to your organisation to meet with key catering, nursing and care staff
  • Audit of serve sizes
  • Review of documentation
  • Review of nutrition, and special diet policies and procedures
  • Identification of processes to identify malnutrition, and provide nutrition support
  • Quantitative assessment of nutrition provided to residents
  • Identification of how food service integrates into nutrition care

At the conclusion of the assessment, we then provide you with a comprehensive report of recommendations to meet best practice and Aged Care Quality and Safety Standards. The report is written directly against the standards, so you can easily integrate them into your quality improvement processes.

Chúng tôi cũng có thể tiến hành đánh giá dinh dưỡng trong công thức nấu ăn và/hoặc toàn bộ thực đơn của bạn để chứng minh rằng nó có thể đáp ứng nhu cầu dinh dưỡng của người cao tuổi.

Liên hệ

Dịch vụ chuyên gia dinh dưỡng theo hợp đồng

A regular visit from one of NPA’s Accredited Practising Dietitians to your aged care organisation can be an excellent and effective way to keep on top of your residents’ needs and requests, and help ensure they’re enjoying a healthier, better quality of life.

Through our contracted dietitian service nutrition specialists are able to monitor and facilitate a range of food and nutrition services including:

  • Review of individual residents’ nutrition care.
  • Attendance at catering or nutrition care meetings.
  • Development and implementation of a nutrition screening tool to identify residents at risk of malnutrition.
  • Provide a flow chart for nutrition supplementation and monitoring of residents’ nutrition status.
  • Offer advice regarding the most appropriate and cost effective supplements.
  • Review texture modified diets and thickened fluids.
  • Guide the implementation of IDDSI guidelines.
  • Review diabetes management.
  • Advice on special diets guidelines.
  • Offer recipe analysis and review.
  • Provide expert troubleshooting advice where requested.

Bạn nên đến thăm cơ sở của mình hàng tháng, nhưng các khung thời gian khác có thể được thương lượng.

Liên hệ

Đánh giá của từng cá nhân cư dân

Our Accredited Practising Dietitians are able to review the nutrition and dietary needs of your residents and assist you in ensuring that they’re enjoying the best nutrition and mealtime experience possible.

Through our dietitian consultations, we can:

  • Assess individual resident nutrition issues and requirements
  • Assess nutrition status
  • Develop nutrition care plans
  • Liaise with medical, nursing and food services staff to ensure optimal care
  • Provide a meal plan for food services or care staff
  • Provide written dietary guidelines

Our Accredited Practising Dietitians are able to review the nutrition and dietary needs of your residents and assist you in ensuring that they’re enjoying the best nutrition and mealtime experience possible.

Through our dietitian consultations, we can:

  • Assess individual resident nutrition issues and requirements
  • Assess nutrition status
  • Develop nutrition care plans
  • Liaise with medical, nursing and food services staff to ensure optimal care
  • Provide a meal plan for food services or care staff
  • Provide written dietary guidelines

Bạn nên đến thăm cơ sở của mình hàng tháng, nhưng các khung thời gian khác có thể được thương lượng.

Liên hệ

Tư vấn từ xa

Remote consulting is a great way to save on travel costs, and still keep in regular touch with a dietitian about your residents. All you need is a computer and webcam capabilities (and ideally a login to your clinical software system where appropriate).

Our expert team can provide remote assessment and advice regarding your aged care residents via Zoom. This service is invaluable when you are unable to access a dietitian services regularly.

One of our experienced aged care dietitians will conduct a review of your resident needs, discuss a plan of action with your staff and provide a written report with recommendations and a meal plan where relevant. They will also attend your facility once annually to observe the food service procedures and meet with the clinical team to ensure that our advice is tailored to your organisation’s needs.

Please note, we will require some documentation about the resident prior to the appointment (e.g. medical history, weight history etc.)

To get the remote consultation process underway, simply call us and we can then:

  • Send you a list of the information we need about the resident
  • Review all information provided
  • Speak to you via phone or web-based app
  • Discuss relevant issues relating to the nutrition care of the resident
  • Speak to the consumer via web-based app too if appropriate
  • Provide a written report that can be entered into the medical record
  • Provide a written meal plan for the care plan and the kitchen

Thực hiện một lời giới thiệu

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